Adrianna Smurzyńska
Adrianna Smurzyńska
Psychologist in psychotherapist course, psychotraumatologist
I will help you in the following areas:
Professional Note
Adult and child psychologist, during cognitive-behavioural therapy course, psychotraumatologist.
I can help you during a short-term crisis as well as facilitate the process of changing non-adaptive thought schema or getting over past traumatic experiences. I integrate various approaches to therapy, including talk therapy, somatic therapy as well as imaginative and art therapeutic techniques.
I take into account your way of breathing, your body tension and narrations about oneself and about the world. In particular, I observe the way we think about ourselves and include kindness and curiosity upon oneself during the process of therapeutic changes.
- Emotion regulation
- Psychosomatics
- Feeling of worthlessness
- Trauma therapy (type I and type II)
- Mind-body integration
- Adults with ADHD
- Working with adults:mental health clinic, online psychological counselling, psychiatric day ward, co-therapy in group psychotherapy, university, non-governmental organizations, training emotional, creative and mindfulness competences
- Working with adolescents: helpline for children and teenagers, mental health clinic, schools, non-governmental organizations, online psychological counselling, psychiatric day ward, workshops on self-worth and self-esteem, training on coping with stress and emotional competences, training creative and critical competences
- Working with children: helpline for children and teenagers, mental health clinic, pre-schools, non-governmental organizations, training social and emotional competences, artistic and integrative workshops
- Academy of Motivation and Education – 4-year-CBT-course with motivational interviewing and „third wave” therapies (currently)
- Polish Institute of Psychodrama – 2,5-years course (currently)
- Psychotraumatology, Gdansk University (2023)
- Jagiellonian University & Artes Liberales Academy – defending an interdisciplinary PhD dissertation on mentalization, integrating philosophy of mind, psychology and cognitive science(PhD, 2023)
- Instutute of Psychology, specialization: clinical child psychology, psychology of family and education, Jagiellonian University (MA, 2016)
- Institute of Philosophy, specialization: cognitive science, Jagiellonian University (MA, 2012)
- Trainings and workshops in art therapy, NVC, unconditional parenting for professionals, somatic therapy (2019-2022)