
Real psychological help available online

Real psychological help available online

Get help from mental health professionals: psychologists, therapists and coaches who really want to help you.

Real psychological help available online

Get help from experts: psychologists, therapists, coaches who want to really help you.


We can help you!

We provide a safe and professional place for psychological support in a virtual space, through a secure, dedicated application.

We provide a safe and professional place for psychological support in a virtual space, through a secure, dedicated application.

On-line psychological support

Personalised expert assistance at your fingertips. Make an appointment online even on the same day.

Psychological diagnosis

Rapid assessment of your mental health situation, referrals for further treatment and identification of specific areas of support.

Support of a team of experts

A team of professional psychologists, therapists, psychological coaches ready to help you. We provide support in every area of mental health.

Self-curiosity is the first step to health.



Discover our application

Technology in mental health services. Wherever you are, no matter how you feel.


Through a secure, dedicated application, you have access to professional psychological care.


With the application, you will meet with a consultant anywhere, discreetly, avoiding awkward meetings in the waiting room.


Consultations are tailored to the nature of the situation. It is the employee who chooses the consultant and we ensure confidentiality and discretion.

Comprehensive assistance

A team of certified mental health professionals to choose from, taking personal responsibility for the support process.

Check how we can help you

Use the application and take care of your mental health.

Open your eyes to yourself and your life.



Mental Health Helpline Consultants

We believe that psychology can make significant changes in your life.
Our team is based on competence and integrity. We represent various streams of aid.

  • Anna Czereszewska

    Psychologist, Psychoterapist

  • Monika Zawadka

    Psychologist, Coach, Psychotherapist

  • Jan Kłusak

    Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Coach

  • Jolanta Jastrzębska

    Psychologist, Coach, Psychotherapist

  • Justyna Bąba

    Psychologist, coach, psychotherapist

  • Magdalena Kozik

    Psychologist, Interventionist

  • Małgorzata Karcz

    Psychologist, Psychotherapist

  • Anna Siudut-Stajura

    Psychologist, Coach, Psychotherapist

  • Szymon Martyniak

    Psychologist, Coach, Trainer

  • Agnieszka Książek

    Psychologist, Psychooncologist

  • Yuliia Kosianchuk

    Psychologist, Gestalt-terapist

  • Paulina Sasińska


  • Aleksandra Błaszczyk

    Coach, trainer, consultant

  • Kamila Tarkowska

    Psychologist, Coach

  • Joanna Adamowicz

    Psychologist, Therapist, Trainer

  • Natalia Skuza


  • Adrianna Smurzyńska

    Psychologist in psychotherapist course, psychotraumatologist

  • Stanisław Szwed

    Psychologist, Psychotherapist

  • Partyk Podleśny

    Psychotherapist, Psychologist, Management Consultant, Trainer

  • Stanisław Szwed

    Psychologist, Psychotherapist

We help you together as a team

By registering for psychological consultation, you will receive the support of the entire team.


We simplify the appointment with the consultant, we save your time

Through a secure, dedicated application, employees have access to psychological care,
provided by a team of experts associated around the Mental Health Helpline.

Through a secure, dedicated application, employees have access to psychological care, provided by a team of experts associated around the Mental Health Helpline.

Wizualizacja pierwszego kroku: ekran logowania do aplikacji.


You create an individual, secure account. You log into the application.

The line enables meetings with mental health specialists (psychologists, psychotherapists, interveners) to help solve crisis situations – from everyday inconveniences to complex global tragedies.


You choose the consultant, the time and also the support channel.

A team of certified mental health professionals to choose from, taking personal responsibility for the support process.

Wizualizacja drugiego kroku: lista z wyborem specjalistów.
Wizualizacja trzeciego kroku: podsumowanie rezerwacji i wybór formy płatności.


You pay yourself or with a voucher provided by your employer.

No queues, discreet and professional. You get the help you need.


Frequently Asked Questions

Check out the most frequently asked questions about our services.

Is it possible to meet in person?2021-09-28T21:22:40+02:00

As a general rule, no; although we do make exceptions (e.g. when there is a need for intervention), we consider these considering office capacity and mobility of consultants.

Do I choose a consultant myself, or is he/she assigned to me?2021-09-28T21:24:11+02:00

You choose the consultant yourself. You can also get to know the profiles of our entireteam in advance .


How long does one consultation last?2021-09-28T21:22:22+02:00

One consultation lasts 45 – 50 minutes.

In which language are the consultations conducted?2021-09-28T21:22:16+02:00

Consultations are conducted in Polish and English. Most of our consultants are bilingual, some also provide consultations in other languages. Next to each consultant, you will find information about the language.

What is the cost of the consultation?2021-09-28T21:22:28+02:00

The cost of one consultation is PLN 230. You can also use a voucher from your employer or from the employer of your family member. If you do not know if your employer uses our services, please ask your HR department or email us at service@mhhelpline.com.

Will I receive a reminder about the appointment?2021-09-28T21:24:40+02:00

Yes, we will send you an SMS reminder.

Can my partner also attend?2021-09-28T21:24:47+02:00

Yes, but in this case, please book the appointment for two hours. According to systemic therapy guidelines, couples sessions last longer than individual sessions.

Can I change the consultant after the first appointment?2021-09-28T21:22:52+02:00

Yes, it is always possible.

Will my employer find out that I went to a consultation?2021-09-28T21:23:00+02:00

We guarantee full confidentiality and anonymity. The employer can only receive a quantitative and qualitative report (e.g. the most frequent topics, above a certain number of consultations) on the whole company – without personal data of the employees benefiting from our psychological consultations.

How do I book an appointment with a consultant?2021-09-28T21:22:07+02:00

Just click on the ‘Get support’ button on our website. You will automatically be redirected to the application, where you can book an appointment with our consultants. See the ‘How does it work’ section for more details.

How do I use a voucher from my employer?2021-09-28T21:23:06+02:00

All you have to do is enter the code dedicated to the company you work for when signing up. If you don’t know the code – contact your HR department.

On what days are the consultations held?2021-09-28T21:24:24+02:00

On all working days and usually on Saturdays.

You are the mine of resources that can help you achieve desired changes.


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